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Energy Burden in Atlanta: Roleplay Simulation

Marilyn Brown moderated, Mark Lannaman facilitated, and four SPP graduate students ran the "Energy Burden in Atlanta: A Roleplay Simulation" at the Atlanta Global Studies Symposium on April 14th. The event was hosted by the Georgia State School of Law and the Greater Atlanta RCE (Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development). Five groups simulated different types of Georgia households challenged by high energy burdens and an array of policies and programs.
We have cause to be a little bit optimistic in Georgia, as our state’s carbon footprint has declined in recent years and, as a result, we are contributing less to climate change. Despite strong economic and population growth, GHG emissions in our state declined by 5% between 2017 and 2021. This overall reduction in emissions camouflages the fact that some segments of our economy have continued to grow their climate impacts: diesel-fueled trucks and buses, for instance. See this blog and the presentation linked above for more evidence that we can grow our economy while reducing climate pollution, tho' many more carbon reduction opportunities remain.
Marilyn Brown: Electrification Building Blocks for a Zero-Carbon Future at the 2023 Southeastern Energy Conference.

Marilyn Brown--supported by the Drawdown Georgia research program--gave a talk on: "Electrification Building Blocks for a Zero-Carbon Future" at the 2023 Southeastern Energy Conference in April 2023.
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Accelerating Environmental and Energy Innovation: Can Public Policy Make a Difference?

On December 26th, 2019 Yeong Jae, Jr. Scientist at RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment, gave a talk to the business school at KAIST Climate and Energy Policy & Strategy Research Group. He presented his research and introduced the concept of the energy efficiency gap.
Georgia Drawdown at Georgia Climate Conference

November 2019, Dr. Marilyn Brown is joined by Georgia Tech professor Dr. Rich Simmons, Georgia State University professor Dr. David Iwaniec, and University of Georgia professor Dr. Puneet Dwivedi in presenting their interdisciplinary research at the Georgia Climate Conference. (PDF-Dr. Brown | PDF-Dr. Simmons | PDF-Dr. Iwaniec | PDF-Dr. Dwivedi)
Omar Asensio presents at #TextXD2019 UC-Berkeley

December 4th, 2019 Dr. Omar Asensio presents his research on Detecting behavioral failures in electric vehicle charing infrastructure using machine intelligence at UC Berkeley.
Georgia Drawdown: Introductory Webinar

Identifying the most promising solutions for achieving carbon neutrality in Georgia - Georgia Drawdown Introductory webinar from August 2, 2019.
Why and How to Connect Energy, Earth and Environmental Education?
Empowering the Great Energy Transition While Fossil Fuels are Still Abundant: The U.S. Challenge

Nick Eyre hosted Marilyn Brown's energy colloquium at Oxford University's Center for the Environment, School of Geography & the Environment on June 18, 2019: "Empowering the Great Energy Transition While Fossil Fuels are Still Abundant: The U.S. Challenge"
The Energy-Poverty Nexus

Takeaways: Low-income energy burden is not declining (U.S.). Poverty is continuing with the support of modern energies (Brazil). Rural energy poverty is urbanizing (Mozambique & So Africa). Great session at the Energy Research & Social Sciences Conference at Arizona State University on May 29, 2019. With Peter Mulder (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Dominique Bednar (University of Michigan), Kweku Koranteng (Centre for Complex Systems in Transition), and Giovanni Frigo (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).
Kyushu Energy Week

Dr. Brown presented at the Kyushu University Energy Week on January 30th. Photo shows co-participants (left to right): Frank Southworth, Zhang Qi , Marilyn Brown, and Stephen Lyth.
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Vulnerability of U.S. Energy Infrastructure to Coastal Flooding
Dr. Marilyn Brown presented at the National Academies of Sciences Washington, DC December 6, 2018. Powerpoint Presentation | Video of the Talk
Massetti: Climate Change and Macroeconomic Analysis

On Tuesday, November 27, 2018, the Global Change Program hosted a lecture by Dr. Emanuele Massetti, Assistant Professor of Public Policy. In this lecture, entitled "Integrating Climate Change into Long-Run Macroeconomic Analysis," Massetti discussed the work of William Nordhaus, 2018 Nobel Prize winner in Economics. Powerpoint Presentation.
Can We Survive Climate Change?

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn (Yale University) participated in Georgia Tech's School of Public Policy Speaker Series on Nov. 29th. Mendelsohn presented on:
"Can We Survive Climate Change? The Critical Role of Adaptation"
Geography 2050

“EVs + Renewables: Complementary Climate Adaptation Strategies” Dr. Marilyn Brown talked about how electric vehicles, grid redistribution, smart charging, prosumers, and crowd-sharing can help alleviate duck curve energy issues. Geography 2050: American Geographical Society, Fall Symposium on Energy Adaptation Strategies, Columbia University, November 16, 2018.
U.S. State Clean Energy Policy and Impacts on Innovative Technology Adoption
Gyungwon Kim presented at the 2018 ACSP 58th Annual Conference in Buffalo, New York on October 28th.
Enabling the Great Energy Transition
Georgia Tech Advisory Board - Energy Policy @ Tech

Drs. Kaye Husbands Fealing and Marilyn Brown gave an overview of Energy Policy @ Georgia Tech to the the Georgia Tech Advisory Board on Friday, September 28th. See this great compilation of work by our superstar faculty.
Smart Cities Address Equity: The Case of Low-Income Energy Burdens
Power Systems Conference

Marilyn Brown (Georgia Tech), Johan Enslin (Clemson University), J. Sam Holeman (Duke Energy), Kumar Venayagamoorthy (Clemson University) at the Annual Power Systems Conference in Charleston on 9/5/18. Marilyn gave a plenary talk on "Enabling the Great Energy Transition". Great conference!
Behavioral Insights and Energy Efficiency Strategies
CEPL in Washington, DC
Dr. Asensio recently gave a seminar on "Behavioral insights and energy efficiency strategies" at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building Technologies Office in Washington, DC
Deep Decarbonization in the U.S. Electricity Sector

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
June 14, 2018
Deep Decarbonization in the U.S. Electricity Sector: Equity Implications and Alternative Policies
The Energy-Efficiency Gap, Behavioral Energy, and Energy Modeling
Reinhard Madlener (RWTH Aachen) chaired a session on "Understanding Consumer Behaviour" with Anna Alberini (U of MD), Kristina Rodigo (E.ON), Marilyn Brown (GA Tech) at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Energy Economists, in Groningen, Netherlands, June 12, 2018. See MB's slides on The Energy-Efficiency Gap.
Afterwards MB joined Frank Southworth and CEPL Alumni/Affiliates: Yeong Jae Kim (Tyndall Center) and Huibin Du (Tianjin University).
Low-Income Energy Burdens in the Southeast

This presentation to the Southeast Climate and Energy Network discussed low-income energy burdens in the Southeast, based on research sponsored and conducted by the Georgia Institute of Technology. The research involved a review of the literature and analysis of publicly available data combined with energy bill data provided by the Georgia Power Company. The presentation identifies the primary drivers and baseline attributes of the high energy burden in Atlanta. It also assesses promising program attributes for alleviating energy burden circumstances in the Atlanta area. The presentation concludes with a discussion of the business case and policy drivers for scaling up solutions.
Southern Municipal Financial Society May 2018

Dr. Marilyn Brown presented "A Strong Case for Completing Vogtle + Caveats About More Nuclear" at the Southern Municipal Finance Society on May 17, 2018.
Regional Impacts of Carbon Pricing in the U.S. Electric Sector

Panel on Energy Transitions at the Association of American Geographers in NOLA, April 11, 2018: Adam Bumpus (University of Melbourne), Gabriel Granco (Stroud Water Research Center), Michael Minn (Eastern Washington University), Marilyn Brown (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Milad Meisen (Texas State University)
U.S. Department of Energy's Electricity Advisory Committee

Dr. Marilyn Brown summarized the work of the Smart Grid Subcommittee at the February 2018 meeting of DOE's Electricity Advisory Committee. Please click on the image to view her presentation. View report as a PDF or PowerPoint
Smart Cities and Data-Driven Energy Policy
Emma French and Dr. Jennifer Clark presented on Smart Cities and Data-Driven Energy Policy. (A PowerPoint version of the slides is also available.)
An Analytical Framework of Technological Innovation System
Tae Joon Lee gave a talk on "An Analytical Framework of Technological Innovation System: the case of nuclear power system".
Technologies and Policies for a Sustainable Energy Future

January 22, 2018 – Dr. Marilyn Brown gave a seminar at Vanderbilt University on "Technologies and Policies for a Sustainable Energy Future in the U.S. and the Southeast."
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Technologies and Policies for a Sustainable Energy Future

"Technologies and Policies for a Sustainable Energy Future" presented at the North American Energy Infrastructure Symposium, November 13, 2017, Boston.
50% Clean Energy Effort - Reduce Home Electricity Bills

Matt Cox shows how a 50% clean energy effort could reduce home electricity bills in Atlanta by 54% in 2035. Perfect backdrop for this message at the Episcopal Church of St. Philip.
Saving Water by Transforming our Electric System

Dr. Brown gave a presentation at the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper Climate Change Conference in Atlanta, GA on September 26th. Her presentation was titled "Saving Water by Transforming our Electric System"
Movers and Shakers in the U.S. Power System

The SPARK 2017 Conference - Igniting Energy Innovation was held in Atlanta, GA on September 14, 2017!
Dr. Brown was one of the presenters, giving a talk titled "Movers and Shakers in the U.S. Power System - Distributed Resources."
Overview of the NEMS

Dr. Brown gave a presentation: NEMS (National Energy Modeling System)
August 31, 2017 - Atlanta, GA
Georgia Climate Project

Dr. Brown presented at the Annual Georgia Environmental Conference in Jekyll Island, Georgia August 23 - 25, 2017.
Selling Energy Efficiency in a Carbon-Conscious World

Dr. Marilyn Brown gave a presentation on February 20, 2017 at the Georgia Tech Scheller School of Business titled, "Selling Energy Efficiency in a Carbon-Conscious World" as part of the Carbon Conscious series.
Geopolitics of Energy and Climate Change

Dr. Marilyn Brown gave a presentation as part of the "Great Decision Series" on February 9th titled "Geopolitics of Energy and Climate Change". James Haverty Smith (Perkins+Will) and Harry Findlay (retired, Emory University) were the series organizers, and the venue was the Dunwoody United Methodist Church in the northern Atlanta suburbs.
Solar Energy in South Georgia
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Shifting the Energy Mix in a post-Paris World

Moderator: Greg Dalton, Climate One
- Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy Administrator, Energy Information Administration
- Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Scripps Institute of Oceonagraphy
- David Nagel, Retired Vice President of BP
- Marilyn Brown, Brook Byers Professor of Sustainable Systems, Georgia Tech
You can watch the Shifting the Energy Mix in a post-Paris World panel discussion discuss the role of fossil fuels and renewables, energy efficiency and prosumers, digitalization and data analytics, energy poverty and much more.
Electric Vehicles and Clean Power

Marilyn Brown presented on Electric Vehicles and Clean Power: Potential Synergies at the EV Conference in Braselton, Georgia on November 11, 2016
The talk presents four principles:
- “Valley Filling” Improves Grid Economics
- EV Benefits depend on the Fuels Used to Generate Electricity
- Clean Electricity Needs more Overall Grid Balancing
- EVs Can Help to Balance and Green the Grid
Author Insights: Fact and Fiction

Marilyn Brown gave a presentation at the 8th Annual Southeast Solar Summit in Atlanta, Georgia on October 20th 2016.
Impacts of Solar Power on Electricity Rates and Bills

Title: Impacts of Solar Power on Electricity Rates and Bills
Authors: Marilyn A. Brown, Erik Johnson, Dan Matisoff, Ben Staver, Ross Beppler & Chris Blackburn
Conference: 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Publication: Proceedings of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Pacific Grove, CA
Topical Areas and Problems for the Geographical Sciences Committee

Marilyn Brown gave a talk at the National Academies on July 12, 2016, outlining "energy and climate" ideas for the research agenda of the newly re-constituted Geographical Sciences Committee.
Might the large-scale PV power generation be reached in China?
Huibin Du gave a presentation on "Might the large-scale PV power generation be reached in China? A grid parity combined with techno-economic analysis" at 2016 Chinese Environmental Scholar Forum held in Princeton University on Saturday, Jun 4, 2016.
Coauthors are Marilyn Brown and Hongyang Zou.
Research Workshop on the Dimensions of Transport
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How Do Firms Certify Green?

PhD Student Mallory Flowers gave a conference presentation of her paper "How (and Why?) Do firms Certify Green? The Case of LEED" at the 2015 Fall Research Conference of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) on November 12, 2015.
The paper is co-authored with Dr. Doug Noonan from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Purdue, and CEPL's own Dr. Dan Matisoff.
Energy Efficiency & Solar

"Energy Efficiency & Solar: The Leading Customer-Based Resources".
Dr. Brown presented this PowerPoint at the TenneSEIA Annual Meeting on Monday, November 9th in Nashville, TN.
Reducing GHG Emissions in Federal Agencies

Dr. Brown gave a presentation to the National Academies on Environmental Change and Society titled "Reducing GHG Emissions in Federal Agencies: Insights from social science on organizational change"
October 21, 2015
Green Savings

Dr. Marilyn Brown
August 3, 2015
2015 EPA Region 4 Community Workshop on Energy Efficiency.
Titled: "Green Savings: How Policies and Markets Drive Energy Efficiency."
The Future of Climate Change
Dr. Marilyn Brown gave a talk on Friday, April 24, 2015 at the inaugural Day of Scholarship event at Emory University titled: "The Future of Climate Change"
Maximizing Trade-Offs Among Social, Environmental, and Economic Benefits
Dr. Marilyn Brown gave a presentation on February 12, 2015 at the National Research Council's Committee on Pathways to Urban Sustainability, on "Maximizing Trade-Offs Among Social, Environmental, and Economic Benefits"
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Analytic Approaches for Assessing RD3 Needs across the Energy Sector
On December 5, 2014, Marilyn Brown gave a presentation at DOE's Cornerstone Workshop for the Quadrennial Technology review, on "Analytic Approaches for Assessing RD3 Needs across the Energy Sector"
Integrating Energy Efficiency Into the DG Mix
Dr. Marilyn Brown gave a presentation "Integrating Energy Efficiency Into the DG Mix" at the Agile Utility as part of the Georgia Tech Energy Series on November 12, 2014.
Confronting Climate Change: Implications for the Future of Electric Power

On October 25, 2014 Dr. Marilyn Brown gave a talk to a crowd of 100+ at Manuel's Tavern in Atlanta on: "Confronting Climate Change: Implications for the Future of Electric Power."Our region, along with the rest of the nation, faces a number of challenges in making the transition to ways of producing electrical power that are consistent with meeting CO2 restrictions inposed by climate change goals. Please visit the Atlanta Science Tavern website for more details about the event, including a podcast that will be posted shortly.
Shaping the Southeast's Energy Future

Georgia Tech and Duke are collaborating to host a workshop which will gather stakeholders from diverse viewpoints to explore the Southeast’s transitioning electricity sector and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Clean Power Plan to limit carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. Topics covered will include the regional nature of the electricity system; current trends in the Southeast’s electricity sector; key issues raised by the EPA’s proposal; state flexibility in compliance planning; and tradeoffs between individual- and multi-state approaches to managing carbon dioxide emissions.
Policy Considerations for Adapting Power Systems to Climate Change
PhD student Alexander Smith, gave a presentation on "Policy Considerations for Adapting Power Systems to Climate Change" at the Energy Policy Research Conference in San Francisco on September 4, 2014.
Southeast 111d Technical Summit
Dr. Marilyn Brown and Dr. Dan Matisoff spoke at the "Southeast 111d Technical Summit" hosted by the Southface Energy Institute on August 13-14, 2014.
"Modeling Tools and Frameworks to Support Block 4 Energy Efficiency" by Dr. Marilyn A. Brown "Energy Efficiency and 111(d)" by Dr. Dan Matisoff
EPA's Proposed Clean Power Plan
On June 29, 2014, Dr. Marilyn Brown testified and participated in a press conference at the EPA hearing on EPA's Proposed Clean Power Plan for existing Power Plants in Atlanta, GA. A transcript of her testimony is available.
Energy and Climate Change
On June 26, 2014, Marilyn Brown gave a talk on "Energy and Climate Change" at the American Museum of Science and Energy