Drawdown Georgia Research Portal

Drawdown Georgia aims to accelerate progress toward net zero greenhouse gas emissions in Georgia. Our team of university researchers (from Georgia Tech, UGA, Emory, and Georgia State), and community partners (Southface Institute, Greenlink Analytics, Partnership for Southern Equity, and others) is providing a science-based approach to achieving the Drawdown Georgia goal.

Georgia Tech hosts this Drawdown Georgia Research Portal (with funding by the Ray C. Anderson Foundation). Visit the Drawdown Georgia website

Geospatial Tracking, Business Engagement, and Solution Activation

Track the GHG Footprint of GA Counties and Metro Areas

In the second phase of Drawdown Georgia, we are going to develop a geospatial system to track county- and metro-level, monthly greenhouse gas (GHG) estimates for Georgia. This system will focus on Georgia’s 159 counties and its energy-intensive sectors, e.g., electricity, transportation, buildings, and industry. On top of that, we would also estimate the amount of carbon emissions that are absorbed by Georgia’s forests and agricultural soils. These data will be visualized as an interactive map in a “Georgia Emissions Dashboard” where users can explore county-level data. By increasing GHG monitoring transparency, we can identify counties and sectors that are leading the state to carbon neutrality, those with large carbon footprints, and peers who can share winning strategies.

 Drawdown Georgia Emissions Dashboard 

Engage Business on Drawdown Georgia

The Drawdown Georgia project has demonstrated that there is a path to significant carbon emission reductions in Georgia by 2030 across a set of high-impact solutions. To achieve these emission reductions, it is imperative to actively engage the business community. Lessons can be shared by gathering businesses together in a state-wide “climate club” where companies and NGOs can participate in collective GHG reduction commitments. These actors would have access to workshops and products that translate the technical Drawdown Georgia work into the language of business. In parallel, “beyond carbon” considerations would be integrated into the workshops to provide companies with a clearer vision of how adopting high-impact solutions can lead to job creation, social performance, and ecosystem sustainability.

Drawdown Georgia Business Compact 

Research to Activate and Track Climate Solutions

Supported by geospatial tracking of climate solutions, supporting infrastructure, business commitments, policy actions, and public opinions, our research is identifying key activation levers. Data from multiple sources are being used to identify public attitudes and stakeholder views, pathways to solutions adoption, barriers that inhibit progress, and the power of enabling infrastructure. These data are being visualized in dynamic, interactive maps linked to Drawdown Georgia’s emissions dashboard. Promising policies are being profiled, and climate solution action plans are being developed.

Drawdown Georgia Research to Activate and Track Solutions

Recent Highlights: 

May 13 Track+Scale Workshop on the Climate Solutions Tracker

On May 13, Drawdown Georgia and the Georgia Tech School of Public Policy hosted a workshop on tracking and scaling Georgia’s Climate Solution at the The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design, with more than one hundred experts and stakeholders who divided into groups to learn about and “test drive” the beta version of our new Climate Solutions Tracker. Dr. Marilyn Brown gave an overview of the Solutions Tracker, and Bill Drummond gave an update on the Emissions Tracker. DeAnna Oser and Crystal Jackson, LEED Green Associate also referred to how Drawdown Georgia's work contributed to the climate action plans recently released by Georgia's Environmental Protection Division and the Atlanta Regional Commission. Marshall Shepard and John Lanier closed out the workshop with motivational talks about climate resilience and the importance of climate solutions. You can access all the slide decks shown during the workshop here.

Kendeda photo

In Spring 2024 and previously in Spring 2022, teams of Georgia Tech grad students studied Drawdown Georgia's high-impact climate solutions--enjoy their powerpoints and videos in the table below. 

They all provide state-of-the-art information with some original calculations, assessments, and policy analytics. In 2024, there are both research papers and voiceover PPTs. In 2022, videos are hot-linked to each of the project titles, but there are no links to papers. Open the files and then play them to hear each team of graduate students talk about their findings. 

Two projects covered sustainable agriculture and agroforestry,  three examined EV charging infrastructure and battery recycling, and two projects focused on rooftop solar and demand response to manage peak loads.

Spring 2024 Climate Solution Projects: Authors, Titles of Reports + Voiceover PPTs.Spring 2022 Climate Solution Projects: Titles of Reports & Authors

Energy Efficient Trucks

Statewide expansion of Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority's (ATL's) "Zero-Emission Bus Plan"  

PPT and Voiceover Presentation

Awa Diaye Kebe, Jacob Cumbie, John Harris

Climate Smart Agriculture

Renewable Resources on Poultry Farms in Georgia

Voiceover Presentation

Lily Smith, Blake Jones, Maria Lucas, Osamuyi Obadolagbonyi, Ashok Sankaran, Emma Brodzik

Electric Vehicles

ZEV Fleet Deployment

PPT and Voiceover Presentation and  Supplement

Muaaz Ahmad, Samir Ahmadyar, Adrian Mungroo, Aditya Narayanan

Analyzing Factors Affecting EV Charging Station Ownership in Georgia

PPT and Voiceover Presentation and Supplement

Suprita Chakravarthy, Aaron Duhart, Megan Fannin, Wouter Van de Groep

Electric Vehicles

U.S. EV Charging Infrastructure

Voiceover Presentation

Sahil Lala, Aditya Desai, Arjun Ramshankar, Brandi Lewis, Burhanuddin Samiwala, La'Darius Thomas

EV Charger Infrastructure Analysis in Georgia

Voiceover Presentation

Catherine Grey, Joseph Kern, Catriona MacGregor, Yifan Liu, Isaac Amponsah


Weatherization for Residential Buildings in Georgia

PPT and Voiceover Presentation

Ansel Ahabue-Itua, Jazmin Lucio, Austin Ray

Georgia Home Energy Rebate Programs and Their Applicability to Italian Policies

PPT and Voiceover Presentation and Supplement

Colleen Boyle, Dylan Reichert

Demand Response

A Proposed Paradigm Shift of Demand Response in the Southeast

Voiceover Presentation

Shavonn D'Souza, Christopher Contos, Alvaro Concha, Samantha Morton, Mathias Zacarias

Rooftop Solar

Distributed Solar Energy and Electric Vehicle Virtual Power Plant Storage for Electric Cooperative and Municipal Utilities Nationwide

PPT and Voiceover Presentation 

Ellis Ewert, Kunal Krishnaswami, Ruth Murdoch, Sneha Sequeira

Rooftop Solar

The State of Rooftop Solar in GA: Policy Implications and Recommendations for Future Growth

Voiceover Presentation

Camila Gonzalez, Hamidreza Nazemi, Marianus Kick, Giovanni Delgadillo

Large-Scale Solar

Community Solar in Georgia

PPT and Voiceover Presentation and Supplement

Callie Hood, Ryan Piansky, Simeon Salia, Sabrina Westgate

Large-Scale Solar

Prospect of Solar-Driven Ammonia Production: Technology, Distribution, and Policy Considerations

Carlos A. Fernandez

Landfill Methane

Landfill Gas Recovery for Energy in the United States: A contextual case study of three states’ approaches

PPT and Voiceover Presentation

Kelly Farmer, Rachel Isley, Fernando Karg Bulnes, Raj Patel

Recycling/Waste Management

Analyzing Circular Supply Chains for Electric Vehicle Battery Recycling

Voiceover Presentation

Shubham Tandon, Viraj Shah, Ruthwik Aki, Shlok Sharma, Shivtej Shete, Anush Oswal

Planting Trees

Key Considerations and Analysis of

Silvopasture Adoption in Georgia

PPT and Voiceover Presentation and Supplement1 and Supplement2

Shivaprakash Muruganandham, Hui-Tien Sun, Taylor Clarke

Planting Trees

Assessing the Feasibility and Sustainability of Agroforestry in Georgia

Voiceover Presentation

Camila Ziadi, Garrett Tallman, Ashwin Jajoo, Troy Heinzmann

In 2022, wind power from high towers and modular nuclear reactors were studied as longer-term climate solution possibilities: 

Feasibility of Wind Power in North Georgia

Voiceover Presentation

Jose Marte, Keith Dowsett, Krissie Haddon, Santiago Juarez, Shannon Chen, Tom Cihota

Assessing the Potential of Small Modular Reactors (SMR) in the U.S.

Voiceover Presentation

Elliot Reid, Asher Mouat, Joe Caracciolo

National Academy of Sciences publication on Drawdown Georgia was highlighted at the NAS 2022 Annual Meeting: 

“A Framework for Localizing Global Climate Solutions and their Carbon Reduction Potential” shows how Georgia can reduce its carbon footprint by 50% in 2030 below its 2005 net emissions. With the roadmap produced by Drawdown Georgia, we can meet our fair share of the Paris Accord's science-based climate goals. The roadmap is aspirational, but also realistic. And it is attentive to the needs of Georgia's resource-constrained communities.

Achievable Abatement Potential for 20 Georgia Solutions

Achievable Abatement Potential for 20 Georgia Solutions

In Spring 2021, Georgia Tech Grad Students Studied Drawdown Georgia's High-Impact Solutions--Enjoy their 9 videos

Nine fantastic class projects offer valuable insights into Drawdown Georgia's high-impact solutions--technology overviews, market assessments, stakeholder perspectives, and policy options. The videos are hot-linked to each of the project titles below. 

IconTitleGroup Members
Home with solar panel

Facilitating a Solarized GeorgiaPaprapee Buason, Min-Kyeong (Min) Cha, Théo Davis, Parker Hamilton, Bethany Tate
Home with solar panel

Energy Burden Drawdown: How Georgia Can Promote Rooftop Solar with a Focus on Equity and InclusionMohannad Alkhraijah, Mona Dandan, Nidhima Grover, Simon Key, Heather Null, Jennifer Wilson
Large scale solar iconUtility-Scale Solar: Maximizing Potential for the State of GeorgiaJessica Kuna, Hadassah Robbins, Hassan Haddad, Sonja Brankovic, Claire Cressman
Large scale solar iconUtility-Scale Solar in GeorgiaKelsey Alexander, Maddy Bodiford, Nidhi Gangavarapu, Nifemi Moronkeji, Rich Stanzione
Retrofitting Building IconGreen Retrofitting in GeorgiaDaniel Mactaggart, Garry Harris, Jayna Glover, June Fodor
Retrofitting Building IconTransit HeatChiraag Vinod Bhawnani, PJ LoCicero, Geneva Rumer
Electric Vehicle IconAssessing the Potential for Increased Electric Vehicles Use in the Context of Drawdown GeorgiaAlejandro Owen Aquino, Bettina Arkhurst, Jonathan Drummond, Gunjan Gupta, Sooji Ha, Tucker Hembree, Niveda Shanmugam
Multicolored Energy Efficient Truck Icon

Energy Efficient Trucks in GeorgiaDiana Burns, Hannah Griggs, Kayla Kelley, Lance Smith, Brooke Schuhle, Cristian Arguello
Afforestation and Silvopasture IconLand Sink Policy in GeorgiaMadeline Shepard, Isaiah Borne, Brooklyn Mooney, Lauren Rister, Haylee Stanger

Recent Events

Solve Climate by 2020, A webinar on April 7, 2021 that focused on Drawdown Georgia: https://cepl.gatech.edu/climate-dialogue

Webinar on October 21, 2020 (2-3:30 pm ET): Watch the recording of "The Science Behind Drawdown Georgia"

2019-20: Selecting High Impact GA Solutions

1. Phase One Overview

2. Technical Review of 75 possible solutions for Georgia

The Academic Research team presented the findings of the carbon sinks and Mt CO2 reductions that are technically feasible to reach achieve a net zero GHG footprint and sell excess credits into carbon offset markets.

Achievable Potential
Download the 50-page slide deck of Drawdown Georgia

The Drawdown Georgia project was spotlighted in a half-day of activities at the August 6, 2020, Southface Institute’s Greenprints Conference. The project was introduced by John Lanier (Ray C. Anderson Foundation) and Daniel Rochberg (Emory University), then described in some detail by Marilyn Brown (Georgia Tech). Five high-profile Drawdown Georgia solutions were then introduced: Rooftop Solar (Marilyn Brown), Demand Response (Matt Cox), Composting (Sudhagar Mani), Retrofitting (Shane Totten), and Electric Vehicles (Rich Simmons). Before breaking into discussion sessions, Michael Oxman (Georgia Tech) described the Beyond Carbon considerations. The break-out discussions were synthesized in Miro Boards – characterizing Accelerators, Barriers, Beyond Carbon, and Promising Approaches. The participants offered lots of ideas and insights, which was a key goal of the event.


3. Down-select High Impact Solutions

working paper
47 Page Narrative of the Research Process
Appendix Thumbnail
Appendix of Technical Briefs

Read the Working Paper and Appendix

This working paper (on left) describes the first phase of our research, involving a fact-based assessment of Project Drawdown's solutions, to identify those that could significantly reduce Georgia’s carbon footprint by 2030.  The Appendix (on right) includes logic diagrams, info sheets, and references describing 75 individual solutions. Below is a quick reference of the 20 high impact solutions, organized by sector, which are retained for further research into costs and benefits required for carbon drawdown.


Down-selection flow chart
Down-selection flow chart

4. Detailed Analysis of 20 High Impact Solutions

20 Tech Briefs and Powerpoint Presentations 


  • Cogen iconCogeneration   
    16 additional 25 MW cogen plants using waste heat to generate electricity
  • Demand Response iconDemand Response   
    187,000 households participate in a demand-response program, reducing 10% of their peak demand
  • Home with solar panelRooftop Solar  
    295,000 new 5 KW home solar systems
  • Large scale solar iconLarge-Scale Solar 
    10 additional 100 MW solar farms and 36 additional 5 MW community solar systems 
  • Landfill methane iconLandfill Methane 
    4 typical landfill facilities with 5 MW gas-to-energy systems


Buildings & Materials

Food & Agriculture

  • Composting IconComposting  
    Divert ~2 million tons of organic wastes including food waste from landfilling to composting by 2030
  • Conservation Agriculture IconConservation Agriculture  
    Adapt additional 1.6 million acres of croplands into conservation agriculture practices in Georgia
  • Tomato and Carrot Plan IconPlant-Rich Diet 
    25% of Georgia population shifts to plant-rich or low-carbon diets 
  • Reduced Food Waste IconReduced Food Waste 
    Reduce about 12% of current food waste 

Land Sinks


5. Directory to Multi-Disciplinary Workgroups

Six sector workgroups are comprised of faculty, researchers, and graduate students at four universities: Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, Emory University, and Georgia State.


1. Hosted a Workshop at the Kendeda Living Building, Georgia Tech, November 6th, 2019 


2. Presented workplans and preliminary results at the 2019 Georgia Climate Conference, Emory University

Current Phase: Activating and Tracking Drawdown Solutions

1. Short List of Solutions