On June 8, 2022, Dr. Xiaojing Sun gave The Interchange podcast at the Wood Mackenzie Solar and Storage Summit. She discussed the state of the global market for solar systems, the impact of U.S.
The Atlanta Regional Commission's Technology Roundtable invited Marilyn Brown to give a presentation on the future of solar in Georgia. You can find her talk here and a great summary of the talk by David Giguere here.
On June 30, 2022, the Supreme Court ruled on the future of regulating pollution from the U.S. electric sector, curtailing EPA's authority to set emissions reduction targets for power plants. But the federal government has never set such targets. The Clean Power Plan (under former President Barack Obama) and the Affordable Clean Energy Rule (under former President Donald Trump) never took effect. They were “vacated and remanded.” In a sense, this ruling is like Don Quixote’s jousting with windmills; it strikes down an authority that has never been deployed. Read more
In Spring 2022, student teams delivered fantastic papers and video presentations, buoyed by their wide-ranging expertise. Seven of their projects are highlighted here, and you can learn more about them by watching their 20-minute videos here at Georgia Tech’s Drawdown Georgia research portal. Here's one finding: only 7% of Georgia's solar generation comes from rooftop and small-scale solar:
Marilyn Brown gave a virtual keynote address at the Climate and Resilience Conference at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, on January 13, 2022. She emphasized policy and technology opportunities to deliver solutions aimed at decarbonizing the electricity system in ways that also enhance resilience and equity.
Dr. Marilyn Brown recently presented on advancing just, sustainable futures with urban electrification at the U.S. Department of Transportation's Volpe Speaker Series on Innovation for a Sustainable, Equitable Transportation System. For more information, read the abstract below: