About 100 stakeholders attended the Lunch and Learn at Georgia Tech on August 3, 2016. A CEPL blog post summarizes the discussion

The goals of the the Lunch and Learn are described in the workshop invitation:
Planning for a 100% renewable future.
Companies ranging from Google, Johnson & Johnson and Apple have already committed to going 100% renewable. So have cities like San Diego, Rochester, MN, and Greensburg, KS. These entities are being driven by a desire to protect our climate and environment while also relying on clean and affordable energy resources such as solar power, wind power, and energy efficiency.
Countries across the globe are transforming the ways they produce and consume energy—in the South, our journey to healthier communities and a livable future has just begun. On August 3rd – the first anniversary of the Clean Power Plan – we seek to initiate a conversation about where that journey could end—in a region and a country powered by 100% renewable energy.
Related Documents:
100% Renewable Energy for a Clean, Thriving America - http://www.environmentgeorgia.org/reports/gae/we-have-power
PowerPoint Presentations:
- Jennette Gayer: We have the Power
- Marilyn Brown: 100% Renewables?
- Anthony Coker: Focus on Solar & Georgia
- Bert Bras: Cars, Homes, Renewables –Tuning them as a System
Dr. Marilyn Brown - Marilyn A. Brown is the Brook Byers Professor of Sustainable Systems at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Public Policy and a Presidential appointee to the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Previously she held leadership positions at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. She has authored more than 250 publications and five books including Green Savings: How Markets and Policies Drive Energy Efficiency (Praeger Press, 2015). Her research focuses on the design and impact of policies aimed at accelerating the development and deployment of sustainable energy technologies, with an emphasis on the electric utility industry, climate adaptation, and the integration of energy efficiency and solar resources. Among her honors and awards, she is a co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for co-authorship of the report on Mitigation of Climate Change, she has served on seven committees of the National Academies of Sciences (currently on Pathways to Urban Sustainability), and she is a member of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Electricity Advisory Committee.
Jennette Gayer - Mrs. Gayer is the Director of Environment Georgia where she oversees the policy development, research, and legislative advocacy undertaken by the group to protect Georgia’s air, water and greenspaces.
Previously, she directed field campaigns to build a million solar roofs and cap global warming for Environment Georgia's sister organization, Environment California. She also worked as a Consumer Advocate with CALPIRG, where she sat on the state of California's Bureau of Automotive Repair and helped to found Angelenos for Equitable Access to Technology a media reform community group.
She serves on the board of Citizens for Progressive Transit, a statewide group dedicated to increasing public transportation, and is a member of the Beltline Tax Assessment District Advisory Committee.
Mrs. Gayer grew up in Virginia and graduated from the College of William and Mary.
Dr. Bert Bras - Dr. Bert Bras is a Professor at the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology since September 1992. His research focus is on sustainable design and manufacturing, including design for recycling and remanufacture, biologically-inspired design, and life-cycle analyses with applications in energy and mobility systems. He has authored and co-authored over 150 publications. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Boeing, among others. His work with Ford around MyEnergiLifestyle, the Ford C-Max Solar Energi prototype, and the Parking Spotter and Remote Repositioning mobility projects were featured at the 2013, 2014 and 2015 Consumer Electronics Shows (CES), respectively. He received the 2007 Georgia Tech Outstanding Interdisciplinary Activities Award. Over the years, he has also provided consulting services for the Chrysler Corporation, United Technologies, LG Electronics, NASA and Verus Carbon Neutral, among others.
Anthony Coker - Vice President of Market Development, Hannah Solar, LLC. With over 30 years of experience in high tech products and markets, Anthony Coker has provided engineered solutions to international clients around the globe. Currently, Vice President of Market Development at EPC Hannah Solar, Anthony is responsible for utilities, national accounts & new markets. As a frequent industry speaker and author, Anthony is a thought leader in the Solar PV, CleanTech and Smart Energy industries. He is a published author in the areas of Solar Cost Modeling, Competitive Industry Strategies and Business Process Management.