The Energy Burden in the Southeast (ppt)
Smart Cities Address Equity: The Case of Low-Income Energy Burdens (ppt)
The US Southeast, Georgia, and Atlanta face multifaceted energy consumption and income challenges that contribute to high energy burdens in the region.
Nationally, Atlanta ranks 4th highest in median energy burden levels (behind Memphis, New Orleans & Birmingham) and 3rd highest among low income household populations
- Atlanta’s high energy burden is particularly acute among low income, African-American and renter households and is concentrated within 6 of 25 zip codes
- Regression analysis points to predictors of energy burden in Atlanta that are associated with the “poverty cycle”

Team Member
Dr. Marilyn Brown
School of Public Policy
Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems
Georgia Institute of Technology
Michael Oxman
Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business at Scheller College of Business
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Beril Toktay
Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business at Scheller College of Business
Georgia Institute of Technology
Majid Ahmadi
School of Public Policy (Climate & Energy Policy Laboratory)
Georgia Institute of Technology
Naveed Ahmad
Scheller College of Business
Georgia Institute of Technology
Yasaman Mohammad Shahi
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Suzanne Burnes
Naajia Ahmed
Collective Wisdom Group
Sabrina Cowden
Luke Gebhard
Erik Froyd
Milepost Consulting