Drawdown Georgia Research to Activate and Track Climate Solutions

Three Georgia Tech grad students presented their published research at a seminar highlighting "Research to Action: 3 Climate Solution for Georgia." The three climate solutions were cogeneration, rooftop solar, and demand response, and the seminar was held on November 18, 2021. 

We probed 3 key questions for each solution:

  • Why are they diffusing so slowly in Georgia?
  • What new policies and practices, collaborations and partnerships might activate them?
  • How can these solutions broaden the shared prosperity of a clean energy future for Georgia?

Go here to watch a recording of the session. The student speakers, the discussants from business, and the published research papers are described below.

Cogeneration: Presentation by Valentina Sanmiguel

Journal article: Brown, Marilyn A. and Valentina Sanmiguel Herrera (2021), “Combined Heat and Power as a Platform for Clean Energy Systems,” Applied Energy, Vol. 304, December, 117686


Discussant: Ken Duvall, CEO, Sterling Energy

Rooftop Solar: Presentation by Vincent Gu

Blog by Vincent Gu: https://blog.drawdownga.org/rooftop-solar-for-all-in-georgia

Journal article: Brown, Marilyn A., Jeffrey Hubbs, Xinyi Vincent Gu, and Min-Kyeong Cha (2021), “Rooftop Solar for All: Closing the Gap Between the Technically Possible and the Achievable Potentials,” Energy Research and Social Science, Volume 80, October. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2021.102203

Discussant: James Marlow, Velo Solar

Demand Response: Presentation by Oliver Chapman

Journal article: Brown, Marilyn A. and Oliver Chapman (2021), “The Size, Causes, and Equity Implications of the Demand-Response Gap”, Energy Policy, Volume 158, November. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421521004031?dgcid=author

Discussant: Ronny Just, Georgia Power