Marilyn Brown Quoted in CNN Article


CNN's Elizabeth Landau wrote an article on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's report on Mitigation. Here is a brief exerpt from her article:

U.N. report: Don't delay on climate change

The longer we wait to mitigate the detrimental levels of carbon dioxide thrown into the atmosphere, the harder it's going to be to work against rising temperatures, says a leaked draft report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, obtained by CNN.

CEPL Cited in Environmental Research Web Article


"Many building owners overlook opportunities to improve the energy performance of their buildings. New analyses from the Climate and Energy Policy Laborator at Georgia Tech, US, suggest that a policy called 'energy benchmarking' offers a low-cost way of addressing this issue whilst reducing pollution and saving money." -IOP: Environmental Research Web Read the full article here.